7,4" homeassistant sensor display - OpenEPaperLink/Home_Assistant_Integration GitHub Wiki

As it took me some time to display the values my wife wanted to be visible I thought i might share the code so that you safe some time :)

My wife wanted an easy readable display of

  • inside temperature
  • inside humidity
  • outside temperature
  • outside humidity
  • next sunrise
  • next sunset

I then added icons from two boolean inputs (honey sold and mail in the mailbox) that are only shown when the refering input booleans are "on" The display is rotated so that the mounting bracket can be used to mount it on the wall later on.

It is not super aligned but it is sufficient for my view :)


The Automation which is only running when somebody could be awake looks like this

alias: Wetterstation
description: ""
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: /30
  - condition: time
    after: "05:30:00"
    before: "22:00:00"
    enabled: true
  - service: open_epaper_link.drawcustom
        - open_epaper_link.YOUR_EPAPER_ADRESS_HERE
      background: white
      rotate: 270
      ttl: 300
        - type: icon
          value: home-import-outline
          x: 0
          "y": 20
          size: 100
          color: black
        - type: text
          y_padding: 25
          value: "{{states('sensor.temperatursensor_wohnraum_temperature')| string }}"
          x: 100
          "y": 20
          size: 60
          color: black
        - type: icon
          value: temperature-celsius
          x: 300
          "y": 5
          size: 80
          color: black
        - type: text
          y_padding: 25
          value: "{{states('sensor.temperatursensor_wohnraum_humidity')| string }}"
          x: 100
          "y": 95
          size: 60
          color: black
        - type: icon
          value: cloud-percent-outline
          x: 300
          "y": 75
          size: 80
          color: black
        - type: line
          fill: red
          width: 5
          x_start: 0
          y_start: 150
          x_end: 384
          y_end: 150
        - type: icon
          value: home-export-outline
          x: 0
          "y": 175
          size: 100
          color: black
        - type: text
          y_padding: 25
          value: "{{states('sensor.temperatursensor_aussen_temperature')| string }}"
          x: 100
          "y": 175
          size: 60
          color: black
        - type: icon
          value: temperature-celsius
          x: 300
          "y": 155
          size: 80
          color: black
        - type: text
          y_padding: 25
          value: "{{states('sensor.temperatursensor_aussen_humidity')| string }}"
          x: 100
          "y": 245
          size: 60
          color: black
        - type: icon
          value: cloud-percent-outline
          x: 300
          "y": 225
          size: 80
          color: black
        - type: line
          fill: red
          width: 5
          x_start: 0
          y_start: 300
          x_end: 384
          y_end: 300
        - type: icon
          value: weather-sunset-up
          x: 0
          "y": 300
          size: 80
          color: black
        - type: text
          y_padding: 25
          value: >-
            {{ as_timestamp(state_attr('sun.sun', 'next_rising')) |
            timestamp_custom('%H:%M', true ) }}
          x: 100
          "y": 320
          size: 60
          color: black
        - type: icon
          value: weather-sunset-down
          x: 0
          "y": 380
          size: 80
          color: black
        - type: text
          y_padding: 25
          value: >-
            {{ as_timestamp(state_attr('sun.sun', 'next_setting')) |
            timestamp_custom('%H:%M', true ) }}
          x: 100
          "y": 390
          size: 60
          color: black
        - type: text
          y_padding: 25
          value: Uhr
          x: 270
          "y": 320
          size: 60
          color: black
        - type: text
          y_padding: 25
          value: Uhr
          x: 270
          "y": 390
          size: 60
          color: black
        - type: line
          fill: red
          width: 5
          x_start: 0
          y_start: 455
          x_end: 384
          y_end: 455
        - type: icon
          value: beehive-outline
          x: 0
          "y": 500
          size: 100
          color: "{{ 'black' if is_state('input_boolean.honig', 'on') else 'white' }}"
        - type: icon
          value: email
          x: 150
          "y": 500
          size: 100
          color: >-
            {{ 'black' if is_state('input_boolean.briefkasten', 'on') else
            'white' }}
mode: restart

I hope you like it :)